


Do you love mangoes?!  OK!!! Let me tell you something! This “MANGOMISU” is a KILLER. Within 3 weeks I made it 3 times! Yes 3 times . First time was the last week of Ramadan & poor husband slept early that night so the 3 of us (me, Lynn & Joude) devour it with no little crumb left 🤭 I made it again on Eid’s day (we had visitors) & another time when we were invited at our friends. They allll felt in love 😍!  I can share their contacts if you don’t trust me 😏 I am sure you do 😌 Oh yea! There’s a lonely fork in the pic, coz next time it will be all mine 🤪 INGREDIENTS 1)The Cake:  350ml Whipping cream.  500g Mascarpone cheese.  3 Tbs white sugar.  2 mangoes.  1 cup orange juice.  20-25 ladyfingers. 2)RASPBERRY SAUCE: (optional) 1/4 cup white sugar.  250g…