“Kebbe be Soniye” a traditional  main course that you can enjoy with your family!


    • 1.5 cups fine burgul.
    • kammoune (special lebanese herbs mix).
    • 300 g minced meat (mad’ou’a).
    • 300 g minced meat (for stuffing).
    • 2 medium sized onion (diced) divided use.
    • 1 tsp 7 spices.
    • 1 Tbs Summak.
    • pine nuts.
    • Salt.
    1.  Mix burgul with salt, 1 onion and kammoune.
    2.  Add to it water (around 4 cups) and soak it for like an hour until the burgul pieces are puffy.
    3.  Meanwhile, in a pan, fry diced onion.
    4.  Add to it a pinch of salt, so it softens.
    5.  Add meat, cook them together, add summak, 7 spices , a bit of salt and pine nuts.
    6.  Now the burgul is puffy, work it well with your hands, add to it minced meat(mad’ou’a). Work them well together, until you have a ball.
    7.  In a baking pan, put 2 Tbs oil, Spread a layer of burgul/meat mix.
    8.  Add onion/meat mix.
    9.  Top it with another layer of burgul/meat mix.
    10.  Draw lines (design it as you like).
    11.  On the top add olive and veg. Oil
    12.  Bake it in preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
    13.  Serve it with side salad or cucumber/yoghurt salad.
N.B: for steps (7-10) check the videos.



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