Today’s recipe is “Mjadara Safra”, a Lebanese vegan dish made of red lentils, a bit of rice and onions.
I usually make it more often during summer season.
Enjoy it with a side salad, olives and pickles.


INGREDIENTS (2-3 servings)
            •  1 Cup of red lentils.
            •  1/4 cup Egyptian rice (or long grain).
            •  1 Medium sized onion.
            •  Salt and cumin (to taste).
          1. Wash lentils and rice.
          2.  Put then in a pot, on low fire, with about 4 cups of Water.
          3.  I usually cut the onion into large cubes and boil them together. But you can fry it in a bit of oil before you add it to lentils/rice mix.
          4.  let it simmer on low fire for 30 to 45 minutes.
          5.  Blend them with hand mixer then pour into bowls or plates.
          6.  Served cold with salad, olives or pickles.

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